Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Annotated Timeline: 1763-1783 Essay

1763: The Proclamation of 1763 was a royal directive issued after the end of the French and Indian War that prohibited settlement, surveys, and land grants west of the Appalachian Mountains. It was an attempt to organize western lands gained as a result of the 1763 Treaty of Paris and it appease Native American tribes who lived in the areas. British North American colonists resented being denied access to lands they felt they had fought for and won in the French and Indian War. 1764-Sugar Act: A law passed by British Parliament which raised taxes on foreign refined sugar, leading to a monopoly in the West Indies that was controlled by British sugar farmers. 1765-Stamp Act: An act proposed by the British Parliament to require the use of stamps for all official documents, or articles. The act met large amounts of opposition and was repealed in 1766. 1765: Stamp Act Congress: A meeting held in New York, after the Stamp Act. It was attended by some of the colonies’ representatives to devise unified protest against Britain. It is considered the first attempt of such ideas. 1766-Declaratory Act: Following the repeal of the Stamp Act, British Parliament reasserted its authority to pass laws on the colonies, even though they did not have representation. 1767-Townshend Duties: Charles Townshend taxed imported good from England such as, paper, lead, and glass. The taxes went straight to the British officials to make them better able to enforce British law. 1770-Boston Massacre: A riot that broke out in Boston due to the colonists disliking for the British troops. The troops fired on the crowd, killing several people. (Boston Massacre 1770) 1773-The Tea Act: An act from British Parliament that gave them a monopoly unfair to American tea merchants, which would lead to more tension. 1773-The Boston Tea Party: In response to the Tea Act, a group of angry colonists boarded a British boat and tossed barrels of tea into the harbor in protest during the night. (Boston Tea Party-1773) 1774-Intolerable Acts: A series of laws passed by England in attempt to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party. 1774-1st Continental Congress: A meeting of all colonies (excluding Georgia) that was held in Philadelphia after the Intolerable Acts to discuss ways to rebel against Britain, such as boycotting their trade. 1775-Lexington & Concord: The first military engagement between England soldiers and American colonists. American’s were on a mission to capture and destroy military supplies, but the British had learned of their plans, and moved the supplies elsewhere. 1775-2nd Continental Congress: A meeting of all colonies (excluding Georgia) that succeeded the 1st continental congress by having ideas of independence. By forming armies, appointing diplomats, and making formal treaties, the congress acted as the national government. (Continental Congress) 1775-Battle of Bunker Hill: After learning of British intentions of occupying the hills around Boston, 1,700 colonists attempted to fight off British troops, but had to retread due to lack of ammunition. 1775-Olive Branch Petition: An attempt to end bloodshed by sending a pact to King George, from the 2nd continental congress, stating that they will be loyal to him, if he repeals the Intolerable Acts. 1776-Common Sense: Written by Thomas Paine, Common Sense challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy. The plain language that Paine used spoke to the common people of America and was the first work to openly ask for independence from Great Britain. (Common Sense-1776) 1776-Virginia Declaration of Rights: A document written to proclaim the inherent rights of man, including the right to rebel against an inadequate government. 1776-Declaration of Independence: A statement adopted by the continental congress that announced the 13 colonies regarded themselves as independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. 1777-Battle of Saratoga: A battle fought 9 miles south of Saratoga, New York. The American forces under Benedict Arnold and fellow commanders defeated the British General Burgoyne and laid the groundwork for the entry of France into the war on the American side. 1777-Articles of Confederation: The first constitution of the 13 American colonies. It would eventually be replaced by the Constitution of the United States. 1778-Treat of Amity and Commerce/Treat of Alliance: A commercial alliance signed in Paris between the United States and the French. The treaty was signed during the Revolutionary war. 1779-Virginia Statue of Religious Freedom: A document written by Thomas Jefferson stating that all people are entitled to practice any religion and worship any god of their choosing. 1781-Battle of Yorktown: Led by Washington and the French commander Rochambeau, British troops were defeated in Yorktown, Virginia, as it proved to be a decisive victory for America. (Battle of Yorktown-1781) 1783-Treaty of Paris: The treaty that ended the war between America and England. Spain, France, and the Dutch were awarded land as a result.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Philosophy 110: Seth Bordner’s Article “Berkeley’s ‘Defense’ of ‘Commonsense’ Essay

As Seth Bordner states â€Å"Berkeley is either foolishly optimistic or knowingly dissembling, but (nearly) everyone agrees his is no defense of commonsense†. (Bordner, â€Å"Berkeley’s ‘Defense’ of ‘Commonsense’. â€Å") An appropriate starting point for Bordner’s article â€Å"Berkeley’s ‘Defense’ of ‘Commonsense’,† Bordner is an Assistant Professor who specializes in the history of modern philosophy, especially the British Empiricists. He received his Ph. D. from the University of North Carolina and has based a large portion of his work on Berkeley theories. What Bordnar so valiantly attempts, is to give the reader a better understanding Berkeley. To help one comprehend exactly what his stance was, or what he was trying to accomplish with his defense of commonsense and also he goes about defending it. At the end of the article one might have a little bit more clarity into the highly criticized and complex theories of Berkeley. Bordner also gives us the criteria as to which we will better understand Berkeley’s theories. Thus clearing up any misinterpretation or misunderstanding of Berkeley’s work. He later goes on to explain the validity or lack thereof of his critics. Berkeley’s theory definitely has many critics, and Bordner gives us a look into all of them. John Locke, who believed in Materialism and was an opponent of Berkeley’s Idealism, Jonathon Bennet, who would refer to Berkeley’s work towards commonsense objects as, disrespectful. Bordner dwells into George Pappas’s Propositional account, as well as John Russel Roberts Religious Image, and their explanation of how far off Berkeley is with his defense of commonsense. Berkeley’s opponents were labeled as atheists, skeptics, and of the â€Å"learned† component in society. The sort of, for lack of a better term, free thinker types who would galvanize the world which Berkeley worked so tirelessly to protect. Bordner goes deep into the opposition which Locke provided against Berkeley’s theories. Locke was supporter of Materialism. He believed that we naturally recognize the qualities of bodies that materialize to our senses with the real qualities of the bodies themselves that appear. We attribute to these real qualities the same existence we attribute to the bodies themselves. An existence different from the external to and independent of the existence of our opinion of them, an existence that shall continue even when no perceptions of them exist. Contrary to this, Berkeley was a strong proponent of Idealism. He was of the stance that one should trust their senses, that things we feel and see are real and that what we perceive to exist really does exist. Locke represents the â€Å"Learned† part of society which Berkeley openly detests. As Bordner states â€Å"Materialist philosophers are, as it were, vectors of a dangerous intellectual disease. † (Bordner, â€Å"Berkeley’s ‘Defense’ of ‘Commonsense’.†). It was these types that would discount commonsense as merely an afterthought to the established views of philosophical principles. It was Berkeley’s fear that if the Materialistic ideas of Locke became widely accepted, that the â€Å"Vulgar† or majority would become jeopardized. That the common folk, those who do not have the wherewithal to question the legitimacy of Locke’s theories and that they would widely accept it as the truth. Berkeley fears were that eventually if the vulgar would become skeptics, which would lead to the questioning of religious beliefs, or worse atheism amongst the masses. So as an educated man, Berkeley’s response when met with a stance of which he could not agree with, he would flat out reject it. â€Å"I agree with you. Material substance was no more than a hypothesis and a false groundless one too. I will no longer spend my breath in defense of it. † (Berkeley). Berkeley continuously favors the Vulgar throughout his defense. They represented the know nothing type, who rarely if ever thought outside the box. The common man who lives in a world less complicated. They are less of a threat, the uneducated, and the ones who would not doubt his theories or become unstable. According to Berkeley, he would have us believe that it was the vulgar were privileged group in society. He consistently sides with the vulgar throughout his defense, paints them as immature fools who are at an advantage when compared to the learned. The sort of people who could not see beyond what is right in front of them, without having the competence to seek a deeper truth. They lived in a simpler world, a world in which Berkeley’s commonsense argument was able to thrive if widely acknowledged as truth amongst the masses. Berkeley also believed that the language used by the common man was simpler. That it was developed â€Å"by and for the use of the vulgar. † (Berkeley). He frequently makes reference to the vulgar as naive to the real world, that they have no capability of being of sound mind nor do they possess the skill set to question what the learned portion of society might. They show lack of interest in speculation, because as he says â€Å"to them nothing that’s familiar appears unaccountable or difficult to comprehend. They complain not of any want of evidence in their senses, and are out of all danger of becoming skeptics. † (Berkeley, Introduction to the Principles, Works 2:25. ) When applied to a modern day situation, Locke and Berkeley would represent the powers that be. This could be in the form of political party alliances, corporate interests, or perhaps religious ties. What Berkeley saw in the Vulgar was a chance to control the majority, or the masses. It’s his goal to grab our attention and make us believe in what he is selling, campaigning on, believes in and so forth. As consumers, lost souls, or right/left wing types we will follow in accordance to what we can attach ourselves to. That we are too simple to make just and strong decisions based on our own aptitude. So by gaining our allegiance Berkeley could control us with fear and unwillingness to question his unmatched intelligence. This is what Locke represents to him. Locke brought unrest to his world. The idea of chaos amid the masses did not sit well with Berkeley. Locke did not deem the theory that â€Å"the vulgar naturally and unreflectively believe that the perceived world is the real world. † (Bordner) to be absolute. Berkeley’s theories could be characterized as monotheist. Sure, at the time of his writing his defense of commonsense there would have been a few detractors with regards to this. But when applied to a modern world, that would not be the case. The multitude of religions and belief systems would conjure up a different sort of debate. Roberts’s critique, although flawed by Bordner’s accounts, does bring into account the basis of religion. He acknowledges that those in agreement with Berkeley would knowingly acknowledge a presence of higher spirit, and/or God. When one becomes more familiar reading about Berkeley, you would become more aware of his agenda and reasoning for writing his defense. Berkeley would have a much more difficult time engaging the modern world, a world which is free of religious constraint and open to a more globalized view of religion. Berkeley was of the thought that God was needed to cause our sensations. That without him, one could not embark truly into the idea of commonsense. Berkeley himself was commonly known at the time as Bishop Berkeley. He wished to always include God in his discussions and one would also have to be of the same mindset to wholeheartedly accept his argument of commonsense. Obviously, thus lending to the idea of why Berkeley was in such opposition of scientific views and reasoning. The learned part of society was of sound mind and in a position to undermine such thoughtlessness as the commonsense theory. It’s as though he was working as a missionary, approaching the common man with his crude suggestions of commonsense and that the belief in God will guide one to enlightenment. Berkeley seems to be ignorant to the world around him. With a Eurocentric Holistic perspective he sought out those who opposed him or questioned God. And as a member of the clergy it is undoubtedly safe to say that his view of the world was swayed in the interest of the church. Thus not reflective of someone the philosophical community would openly accept as representing truisms nor worthy of non-speculative minds. By attacking the learned or educated in his world he was openly inviting skepticism from the established minds within the world of philosophy. His out of nowhere thinking and drastic change in theoretical analogy was bound to have enemies. Berkeley would go on to openly contradict himself in further writings, in letters to Percival and his dialogues that would later surface, creating even more questions about his thought process when writing his defense. He himself creates doubt about his true intent and how strongly he believes in his own defense. In closing it might be said that Bordner did a commendable job in his attempt to help the reader understand and grasp the concepts of Berkeley’s Defense of Commonsense. But what he did not do and what many still fail to do is have a true understanding of intent. Berkeley was obviously an intelligent man, but ones whose interests were swayed by both religion and obvious personal gratitude. One may never know truly if he was a believer in his own theories or if they were mere propaganda, established to control the masses and to settle unrest. Nonetheless his theories and work were groundbreaking, well thought out, and persuasive. And to this day create intriguing discussions amongst both the educated and the vulgar alike. Works Cited Berkeley. (n. d. ): Dialogues 2:182. —. â€Å"Dialogues 2:229. † (n. d. ). —. â€Å"Introduction to the Principles, Works 2:25. † (n. d. ). Bordner. (n. d. ): 322. —. â€Å"†Berkeley’s ‘Defense’ of ‘Commonsense’. â€Å". † Journal of the History of Philosophy (2011): 321.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Applied Marketing Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Applied Marketing Management - Assignment Example This report focuses on social media which is the difficulty associated with tracking the effectiveness of social media advertisements since many of the effects and outcomes of advertising take a long time to develop. Pretest attempts to ease before or after evaluation of potential effectiveness of elements of the advertising program. The report presents customer delight, satisfaction, dissatisfaction which emerge as outcome. Marketer have to go above and beyond the call of duty to manage expectations effectively, especially when expectations are unrealistic. Firms should look for small ways to delight customers without elevating expectations beyond what can reasonably be delivere. In order to maintain and manage customer satisfaction strategically, a better understanding of customer product expectation is important. Expectations can vary due to degree of personal needs, involvement in situations and alternatives. By analyzing zone of tolerance managers are able to come up with various ways of improving expectation and performance as part of developing strategies aimed at improving customer satisfaction. To enhance and maintain customer relationships managers uses effective and easy financial incentives including discount and coupons. Are easily imitated and difficult to end. Social bonding involve use of clubs to maintain clientele. It is difficult and minimizes brand switching. It is time consuming.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Literature Review and Resource File Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Literature Review and Resource File - Essay Example et al. (2007). The Effectiveness of HIV Partner Counseling and Referral Services in Increasing Identification of HIV- Positive Individuals: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 33(2S), 89-100. The central idea addressed is that a PCRS effort that employs the use of provider referral is effective in identifying people infected with HIV. However, this research cannot find enough evidence to determine if PCRS is also effective for reducing transmission or changing behavior. Robinson, R. et al. and Moodie-Mills, A. C. (2012). HIV/AIDS Inequality: Structural Barriers to Prevention, Treatment, and Care in Communities of Color: Why We Need A Holistic Approach to Eliminate Racial Disparities in HIV/AIDS. Center for American Progress. pp. 1-20. The author(s) of this article, Robinson and Moodie-Mills, provides important and informative concepts for a public health practitioner because it not only identifies a range of barriers in the prevention and treatment of HIV in a certain community, but also suggests ways in which those barriers can be removed. The article explores structural barriers that include but are not limited to racial disparity, residential segregation, housing discrimination, lack of sex education, criminal injustice, laws for HIV exposure, and immigration. The overall idea advanced by this article is creating awareness in people about what HIV is, how it is acquired, and how it can be prevented, providing sex education to people, using miscellaneous strategies of treatment of HIV, and suggesting necessary modifications in laws and regulations to help tackle the problem effectively. This article is important for a public health practitioner in order to understand what is the present level of knowledge and information regarding the cure for HIV and what options are available for treatment of the infected people. The article explains that No cure has been identified for HIV-1 as yet, although therapeutic research is

Uninsured patients in relation to nursing practice in America Essay

Uninsured patients in relation to nursing practice in America - Essay Example The health insurance practice is one in which an insurance company (signs an undertaking with an individual to provide heath care services if and when necessary with a commitment by the issues to make regular payments in this regards).The uninsured patient is therefore a person who for one reason or the other is unable to have this kind of commitment to his or her health. A study of the nursing practice as it obtains in America presently would reveal the fact that attention is concentrated on the insured patients in hospitals to the detriment of the uninsured patients. As not all uninsured patient may query for Medicaid. This therefore poses a question "Is the health policy one for a review" Particularly as it concerns the uninsured and the nursing practice. It is reported that the rate of increase in the uninsured population is at an average of 1 Million people per year from 1987, which culminated into over 32 million adults without health insurance in the United States as at 1998. (permanenete journal 2003). For most of these uninsured people it is by no wish of their own that they found themselves in their present state. Most neither quality for Medicaid nor the insurance care packages. Despite the fact that many of these insurance patients desire no much for health care packages it is beyond their reach by reason of the uninsurance labels they wear. This inability has without doubt complicated seemingly easy - to - handle medical cases, when you consider illness like Cancer where routine checks could reveal a tomour at an early stated of development and for which subsequent application of chemotherapy man prevent the tumor from further development or get it This is the standard practice in nursing, however this routine check man be unavailable to the insured. A possible question at this junction is: should health uninsurance loom larger than the Medical needs of a patients. While we may agree that there is no strength forward and easy answer to this question, an attempt will be made to justify it as much as possible. The major pre-occupation in the minds of the leaders in any nation is the welfare of its citizens. This therefore suggests that irrespective of the background and circumstances surrounding any one of its citizens they all should be entitled to the same level of care and treatment. So many factors combine to contribute to the inability of some patients to meet with their private health insurance needs, factors like infrastructure job conditions - (low paying and part-time jobs) not covered by the health care packages. The unwillingly uninsured patients in this scenario look up to the government of the day to come to their aid and resume. A government's sensitivity and rapid response in this direction will go along way as much as flaming the embers of patriotism among its citizenry. While this may be largely true, it is not also a hidden fact that there are many things that compete for the attention of the government and policy makers. The health sector is only an aspect of an entire spectrum that is exerting pressure in the government for attention. State security, education, unemployment, state of the economy etc. are pact of this spectrum. The resultant of this that a lid is placed over what can be spent on any given sector considering the limited resources available. Budgetary constraints as this make it very difficult to engage in very robust healthcare programs that will adequately provide for the needs of the uninsured patients. Although it is arguable that if the priorities of the government of the day are well spelt out, a drastic reduction in foreign aid and grant could be made thereby making funds available for the uninsured patients. Existing health policy needs not be static in a dynamic world environment. The citizens of a country are the target of any nations health policy an the effects if not having a proper health insurance for individuals is really

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Psychedelic Rock Concert Posters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychedelic Rock Concert Posters - Essay Example There were kinds of agreed upon art, music, literature, religion, lifestyles as well as social patterns (Albright 234). This brought about the capability of all of this aspects being combined into some fresh kinds which could have no limitations. With the superficial trappings of the happenings going to influence the styles and famous cultures of the world, most of the participants felt that there was no deeper import in this practice. One of the most influential rock guitarists of that time, Gary Duncan and his band moved out of that culture citing that the culture was something different that the people never understood. What was underground was more than what was not known. The rock band who were seen to be forefront on several reordering carried out in the society, most of the philosophical changes were seen more in the body of the posters that the artists produced as they were advertising their concerts. The rock bands turned out a big series of the images which called for changes in the musical, social and cultural creations happening during that time.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Computer cables Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Computer cables - Essay Example signs of UTP cable interference include loss of cable data, current drainage, attenuation, corruption of data, and delays in signals (Faber & Rybinski, 2015). However, we can alleviate UTP cable interference by adopting wire  transposition and by balancing the cable, using media filters (Faber & Rybinski, 2015). Three prominent 802.11 wireless standards apply in various homes and businesses. The 802.11a wireless standard accommodates signals that broadcast on multiple frequencies (IEEE, 2015). 802.11a operates on a 5GHz range and a bandwidth of 54mbps. 802.11a is very expensive. The 802.11b  wireless standard operates 2.4GHz range and presents 11mbps of bandwidth (IEEE, 2015). It is cheaper than the 802.11a wireless standard. Additionally, 802.11g is the dominant 802.11 wireless standard and costs the same as 802.11b. Just like 802.11b, 802.11g standard operates in 2.4GHz range (IEEE, 2015). Notably, the 802.11g standard has two times the speed of 802.11a. Some common sources that interfere with these networks include reflected radio frequencies, radar signals, cordless phones, and Bluetooth interference. However, we can troubleshoot these wireless networks by looking for internet connections, and wireless network adapter (Walton, 2015). Walton, A. (2015). What Should You Check First When Troubleshooting Wireless Connectivity Issues? Chron. Retrieved from

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How to get rid of your babysitter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to get rid of your babysitter - Essay Example Most parents are usually at the dilemma on how to handle situations in which they need to send away their babysitter as they may not know how to go about it without hurting their feelings. Getting rid of the babysitter should be conducted in a manner that the babysitter will not feel offended or they are being sent away without any proper reason. This is because babysitters play very vital roles in the homes and parents with small children cannot do without them hence the need to take proper care of them. The decision to get rid of you babysitter may be motivated by a number of reasons. Such include those failing to perform their duties as already instructed, mismanagement of resources in the house, being extremely demanding by asking for more pay, mistreating the children, lack of professionalism in their conduct, being rude and lacking courtesy among other reasons. In order to get rid of your babysitter, you need to come up with proper and convincing reason for wanting to send them away. Take time to observe their conduct in the house so as to establish if the mistakes being committed by the babysitters are deliberate or they are beyond their control. Upon establishing that the mistakes are repetitive in nature and are due to negligence, record the number of times in which they have been done. The next step is to boldly communicate the reasons to them so that they will also see their mistakes. If the babysitter is from an official agency service, you need to communicate the same information to the agency so that they can be in agreement with the termination of the contract. The final step is to agree with the babysitter on the time of their departure as well as the things that they may need before they depart. These include provision of all the things owed to them as well as some of the things that they may request to go with before they go. Then the babysitter is escorted to the place where she was found so that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Intermediate accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intermediate accounting - Essay Example This is because the problems with livestock market are seasonal and past experience and solutions largely serve as guiding principles for present and even the foreseeable future anomalies. Three Little Pigs Inc. is a public entity with three types of inventories viz. live hogs ready for sale, developing animals, and processed pork products consisting of loins, ham and bacon. The Company maintains live hogs and processing plants at various locations. Also, there are live hogs in some locations which cannot be easily transported and processed at the Company’s main processing plants, and, as a result, these live hogs have to be sold to third parties at spot market prices. The current problem the management is facing is the result of spot market prices for live hogs that have declined. The causes mentioned for the decline are not specific except the capture of the â€Å"Big Bad Wolf.† Whatever the reasons, they are strong enough to bring about a decline in prices due to surplus production. However, the management led by its CEO, Farmer Joe, is confident of a turnaround during the third and fourth quarters of the year with a specifically good projection for the last quarter. The management is also positive that the total revenues for the pork products and total revenues for sale of live hogs to third parties, based on current spot prices, will be favorable enough to offset losses incurred due to price decline in the second quarter. Due to the slump in the second quarter, the management is of the view that there may be lower of cost or market issues involved in the Company’s inventory of live hogs and developing animals held for sale to third parties as on September 30, 2002. Thus, the urge to go for impairment evaluation is present. (Lower of Cost or Market) However, management must be cautious in acting upon impairment evaluation although expert opinion of impairment evaluators can help increase

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Discuss an economics-, business- ,or finance-related book you have Essay

Discuss an economics-, business- ,or finance-related book you have read all the way through and its influence on your thinking - Essay Example This information is vital as it expands on the investment knowledge that I learnt in class. Apart from sharing the financial information with the three young people, Roy, the main character offers financial advices to his customers at the barber shop. Roy had a plan of becoming a lawyer when he was growing up, but he later changed his mind. He takes over the barber shop that belongs to his father and begins running it well after a visit to Mr. White, who was one of the wealthiest individuals in the town. The financial advice he gets from Mr. White opens up the way for the accumulation of wealth. After reading the book, I realized that I don’t need a lot of money before I can begin investing. Saving and investing ten percent of my monthly income for a long term can enable me to accumulate a lot of money (Chilton, 8). I was able to understand that it is better to pay off non-tax deductible debts rather using the same amount of money in other investments. The best investment begins with paying off loans and other debts. An individual should start paying off loans that have high-interest rates. I have realized that in order to be wealthy, I have to ensure that my money works for me. These is because, my salary is quite smaller compared to less amount of money invested over time. In order to keep track of finances, an individual needs to write down all the expenditure in a month. I was able to understand that the financial assessment can help identify areas of wastage and thus plan for the money effectively in future (Chilton, 10). Additionally, the book offers knowledge on how to save more tax money. Most people require assistance from a tax expert or an accountant so as to able to identify how to save on tax. Even though, the experts can be of help in offering advice, it is important for a people to fill the 1040 long forms by themselves so as to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation Essay Example for Free

Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation Essay Question: According to Eunson (2006, p.15) there are four main criteria to be considered when choosing the medium/s of communication to best articulate an argument: Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation. Select one of the criteria and discuss its importance to a communication situation. Any successful communication process requires the presence of a message, appropriate medium   and the desired message’s effect on the receiver.   Ã‚  To effect success in communication, it is important to use a suitable medium based on the Preferences criterion. Modern technologies have greatly facilitated human communication. However, as Priestley’s Paradox illustrates, people get to actually communicate less as communication technologies further advance (Eunson 2006, p.4). Hence, for effective communication, it is more important to consider the message and the effect of that message on the receiver (Eunson 2006, p.7). The successful transfer of message and its effect, however, largely depends on the communication mode used or â€Å"preferred†. The medium is crucial to the effect of a message because as emphasized by Marshall McLuhan (Lister 2003), â€Å"societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media† . In other words, the medium is the message. A case in point would be a Human Resource Department in an office where the HR Manager normally ‘prefers’ communicating with his staff through memos and e-mail notifications. But being a smart manager, he or she will not hesitate to utilize other media as needed, according to the importance of the message and the desired effect to the recipients. He or she may ‘prefer’ to personally discuss an individual’s unsatisfactory ‘Performance Assessment Report’, earlier sent as is via individual e-mail, through   one-on-one review. The richness of media (Daft Lengel 1986, p.557) effected by direct face-to-face discussion is ‘preferred’ to the e-mail channel, which in this case plays a secondary role as preparatory medium of documentation. Herein, interpersonal communication appropriate to a small group (Baker, Barrett Roberts 2002, p.11), is considered and selected to amplify the Report’s â€Å"warning† content with the goal of effecting the desired change in the staffer’s behaviour. Exploring â€Å"Preferences† in choosing media is vital to effectively convey the message. Since the medium, which helps shape the content, is mostly the message itself and that the message’s effect on the receiver is affected by the medium, selecting the suitable channel from a range of Preferences becomes crucial to any effective communication.    Bibliography Baker, E. Barrett, M. Roberts, L 2002, Working Communication, John Wiley Sons Australia Ltd., Milton Qld. Daft, R. L. and Lengel, R. H. 1986 â€Å"Organizational Information Requirements, Media Richness and Structural Design,† Management Sci., Vol. 32, No.5, pp. 554–571. Eunson, B. 2006, Communicating in the 21st Century, John Wiley Sons, Australia Ltd., Milton Qld. Lister, M 2003, New Media: A Critical Introduction, Routledge, London.

Manage Recruitment, Selection & Induction Essay Example for Free

Manage Recruitment, Selection Induction Essay Question 1: Explain the role of probation as part of the recruitment process. All new staff employees are required to serve a probationary period. The probationary period allows the Department and the employee the opportunity to assess each others suitability. It is the responsibility of the Supervisor to continually review the services of staff on probation. An employee must be consulted if there are any problems with performance. Question 2: Explain the term ‘merit selection’ and its implication on equal employment opportunity. Selection based on merit is where the best possible match is made between qualifications, knowledge, skills, abilities and relevant experience of the applicants, and the selection criteria in the Position Description. When assessing applicants, only selection criteria are taken into account; that is, unlawful discrimination based on other applicant characteristics must not occur. In the case of casual and sessional staff, merit is determined by assessing applicants qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience against the duties to be performed. Question 3: Explain the relevant terms and conditions of employment. Not every code of practice of the employer which is referenced within the contract may have any force, but rather, can be used as a guideline. Therefore, when considering whether or not a specific document imposes contractual obligations, the test to be applied in determining intention, is whether a reasonable person would come to the conclusion that the person making the promise, had the intention of being bound by the statement. Question 4: Explain at least 2 valid psychometric testing that you can use in your selection process. Aptitude or Ability Tests Aptitude or ability tests provide information on a person’s ability to perform certain tasks and their potential to learn and understand new information and tasks. The tests cover skills such as: Verbal reasoning (critical evaluation of written information) Comprehension/grammar Numerical reasoning (logical interpretation of numerical and statistical information) Abstract, mechanical or spatial reasoning (pattern recognition) Information checking (checking errors / attention to detail tasks) IQ (how quickly you can learn and master a new task) They can be designed to indicate suitability for specific tasks eg computing, keyboard or foreign?language skills. Work style questionnaires (personality/motivation/Emotional Intelligence) Work style questionnaires or inventories are concerned with how you typically behave, such as?the way you relate to others or the way you approach and solve problems. They generally?explore personality characteristics relevant to the world of work. To answer the questions you often need to think about what you would do in a work situation. If you have no formal work experience, think about how you behave in similar situations such as voluntary work, university activities or when you are participating in your hobbies. Work style questionnaires look at factors such as: Ways of thinking, feeling and acting in different situations Interpersonal style, conflict style, leadership style Patterns of coping with stress Interests how much do you like carrying out various types of activities at work. Motivations – look at the energy with which you approach your work, and the different conditions which increase or decrease your motivation. Work values– what factors make work worthwhile for you How you interpret your own and others emotions and behaviours Question 5: A. Explain the term outsourcing? Outsourcing is the act of one company contracting with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in-house employees. Often the tasks that are outsourced could be performed by the company itself, but in many cases there are financial advantages that come from outsourcing. Many large companies now outsource jobs such as call center services, e-mail services, and payroll. These jobs are handled by separate companies that specialize in each service, and are often located overseas. b. What functions can Human Resources outsource in terms of recruitment selection and induction, please states advantages and disadvantages of each. Functions include: – Employee assistance/counseling – Retirement planning help – Pension administration – Temporary staffing – Background checks – Training and management development programs – Executive development and coaching – Health care benefits administration – Employee benefit administration – Payroll – Risk management – Executive staffing – Employee relocation – HRIS selection, training implementation – Recruitment – Executive compensation and incentive plans – Policy writing – Administration of compensation/incentive plans Wage and salary administration Advantages Brings new ideas/talent into the organization get needed competencies Helps organization get needed competencies Provides cross-industry insights May reduce training costs Helps organization meet equal employment opportunity/affirmative action goals Disadvantages May result in misplacement s? Increases recruitment costs? May cause morale problems for internal candidates? Requires longer orientation or adjustment time Question 6: Research the following links to assist you in your answer. a) What is the role of the HREOC? Leading the promotion and protection of human rights in Australia by: Making human rights values part of everyday life and language. Empowering all people to understand and exercise their human rights. Working with individuals, community, business and government to inspire action. Keeping government accountable to national and international human rights standards. Securing an Australian charter of rights. b) What types of complaint can you make to the Commission The Australian Human Rights Commission can investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination, harassment and bullying based on a person’s: Sex, including pregnancy, marital status, breastfeeding, family responsibilities and sexual harassment Disability, including temporary and permanent disabilities; physical, intellectual, sensory, psychiatric disabilities, diseases or illnesses; medical conditions; work related injuries; past, present and future disabilities; and association with a person with a disability Race, including colour, descent, national or ethnic origin, immigrant status and racial hatred Age, covering young people and older people sexual preference, criminal record, trade union activity, political opinion, religion or social origin (in employment only) c) Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 Grounds of discrimination Breaches of human rights by any Commonwealth body or agency and discrimination in employment on the basis of race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction, social origin, age, medical record, criminal record, marital status, impairment, disability, nationality, sexual preference, trade union activity. Areas covered Commonwealth body or agency; employment and occupation. Process for decision making Complaint must be in writing. It is then assessed and if within jurisdiction is investigated. If complaint is not declined, conciliation is attempted. If it cannot be conciliated, the Commission prepares a report to the federal Attorney General who then tables the report in Parliament. Question 7 : Summarise the national 10 privacy principles. There are ten National Privacy Principles (NPPs) that regulate how private sector organizations manage personal information. They cover the collection, use and disclosure, and secure management of personal information. They also allow individuals to access that information and have it corrected if it is wrong. NPP 1: collection – Describes what an organization should do when collecting personal information and what is told to the individual on collection. NPP 2: use and disclosure – Outlines how organization discloses and uses individual personal information. Under certain conditions and organization doesn’t always need the individuals consent to disclose personal information. NPPs 3 4: information quality and security An organisation must take steps to ensure the personal information it holds is accurate and up-to-date, and is kept secure from unauthorised use or access. NPP 5: openness An organisation must have a policy on how it manages personal information, and make it available to anyone who asks for it. NPP 6: access and correction Gives individuals a general right of access to their personal information, and the right to have that information corrected if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date. NPP 7: identifiers Generally prevents an organisation from adopting an Australian Government identifier for an individual (e.g. Medicare numbers) as its own. NPP 8: anonymity Where possible, organisations must give individuals the opportunity to do business with them without the individual having to identify themselves. NPP 9: transborder data flows Outlines how organisations should protect personal information that they transfer outside Australia . NPP 10: sensitive information Sensitive information includes information such as health, racial or ethnic background, or criminal record. Higher standards apply to the handling of sensitive information. Question 8: List the elements contained in a contract of employment. The full name of employer and employee The address of the employer The place of work The title of job or nature of work The date the employment started If the contract is temporary, the expected duration of the contract If the contract of employment is for a fixed term, the details Details of rest periods and breaks as required by law The rate of pay or method of calculation of pay The pay reference period for the purposes of the National Minimum Wage Act 2000 Pay intervals Hours of work That the employee has the right to ask the employer for a written statement of his/her average hourly rate of pay as provided for in the National Minimum Wage Act 2000 Details of paid leave Sick pay and pension (if any) Period of notice to be given by employer or employee Details of any collective agreements that may affect the employee’s terms of employment

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Gender Discrimination Essay

Gender Discrimination Essay Introduction Gender inequality, or in other words, gender discrimination refers to unfair rights between male and female based on different gender roles which leads to unequal treatment in life. The term gender inequality has been widely known in human history but not until the beginning the 20th century has the transformation of gender relations become one of the most rapid, profound social changes (Wright Rogers 2009). And at the same time, the position of men and women were generally set. The growth of this situation has been obviously seen. According to a survey in America, females salary at work is 75% as low as males. Coming back to last century, at work, when men were paid 1 dollar, the amount that women received was just 58 cents, in accordance with the law in 1963 (Tran 2012) . And in Vietnam, gender inequality is shown in the difference between two genders in the number of babies. Statistics of Ministry of Planning Investment in 2010 reported that there were 110.6 new-born boys out of 100 new-born girls which was much higher than in the past. However, as a matter of fact, gender discrimination has made a big argument in society about whether the equality among genders should be encouraged or not. Regarding to this problem, American people seem to appreciate the position of women, meanwhile, the Chinese tend to think of higher power of men in life (Chang n.d.) Thus, this paper, with the purpose of reporting the current states of gender inequality, its impacts as well as the solutions to improve this trend, will give readers another look at this controversial problem. Discussion of findings What is gender inequality? Gender inequality is a social problem which causes unfair treatment in society between different genders. These dissimilarities are distinguished from biological factors, especially from differing reproductive roles in life (Reeves Baden 2000). This misperception comes originally from the wrong understanding about the position of each gender in life. Nowadays, the paradox that makes women suffer adversities and put women into unpleasant situation is seen in every angle of life. However, the method of gender discrimination in one place differs from that in others. For example, in workplace gender inequality accelerates when entering the job racing, not only the dissimilar salary, inequality at work is demonstrated through the differences between genders and the amount of money paid (Hsu 2012). In the aspect of education, in the past, men are prone to have more chances to go to school. Young women seemed to have fewer opportunities for higher education than young men (Dang 2008, p.25) Regarding to the reasons and the origin of gender inequality, it can be seen that Asia would be the place where gender discrimination has seemed to be a tradition. According to the General office for population family planning, the idea of distinguishing men from women came from the impacts of Confucianism and the awareness of people about life. Men were thought to have a duty of continuing the ancestral line. In that society, not having a son meant to be disrespectful towards the ancestor. Going on with this wrong conception, women are more likely to lose the role in community (Nguyen n.d.) How gender inequality affects lives? Initially, gender inequality has effects on the scale of population. According to statistics of the General office for population family planning (Nguyen n.d.), because of the discrimination of genders, the number of new-born boys and girls is unequal. To some people, the hope to have a son loses the balance between two genders. Unfortunately, this situation has occurred for such a long time, so the impacts of it in the population are rather huge. As report of Ministry of public health, it is estimated that, despite the attempt to reduce the fluctuation between the birth of boys and girls, in 2020 there will be 4.3 million men more than women. Minister of ministry of public health statement (cited in Phuong 2012), said that if this trend still keeps on going, it will lead to quite a few consequences in security and the order of society before marriage age of children because there will lack brides resulting from out-numbered new-born boys from girls. Now we can see an obvious consequ ence among the Chinese. According to a Blue Paper on Society released by the China Academy of Social Science, there will run short of brides in ten years because of severe gender imbalance among young people, particularly among under 19-aged people (Tang 2010). Secondly, the discrimination of genders leads to some problems in education. Education is an important tool, is the key to the growth of human. And no matter what gender a person is, he has right to expose to education like others. Chaudhry Rahman (2009 p.175), reported that there are many empirical evidences that, increase in female education improves human development outcomes such as child survival, health and schooling. However, lower female education had a negative impact on economic growth as it lowered the average level of human capital (Klasen 2002, cited in Chaudhry Rahman 2009, p.175). World Bank in 2001 stated that in almost all poor countries, there is a high trend of educational impacts of gender inequality. In poverty, girls are more likely to be influenced to approach education. Finally, economy is the field that is consequently affected, because there is a link between education and economy. The impact of gender inequality on economy is found through the number of male and female students in primary and secondary school which is negative (Barro and Lee (1994) and Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995), cited Stephan Klasen 1999, p.4). And they claimed that a large gap in male and female schooling may signify backwardness and may therefore be associated with lower economic growth( Barro and Lee (1994) and Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995)). And lets take China- a country which is famous for strong gender imbalance all over the world- as an example of modeling the impact of gender imbalances on economic performance (Golley Tyers 2012). As mentioned earlier, China is facing a lack of brides 10 years to go and this trend leads to the problems of women purchasing crime. Especially men in poor provinces now are exposing to marriage market and this situation makes the black market of selling wife on the rise, said the deputy director of the China Population Association- Tian Xueyuan (cited Tang 2010). Another economic impact of gender discrimination is unequal wages among male and female. According to Yang Juhua, a professor with Renmin University, the wages of women is much lower than mens despite the same level of position (cited Tang 2010). Tang also mentioned the chances to get a job of women are smaller and there is more likelihood of being refused on applying for jobs. How to solve this problem? Ninety-three years ago, people in some places in the world first officially celebrated the International womens day. In ninety three years, there have been a lot of changes made in terms of changing attitudes of people about the inequality of genders. Nowadays we are living in a developed world which is contributed by both men and female so why female have to suffer such that inequality which they dont deserve to? Generally speaking, this kind of inequality has existed for a long time and in every area of the world, no matter where it is (Chang n.d.). Now its time for the world together make this out-of-date conception fade away. To some extent, the Nobel Committee stated that we cannot reach democracy and peace unless we wouldnt give equal rights and chances for women have. For the sake of making economic recovery, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed that promoting women to participate in economy and increasing their productivity is the key to economic growth because it will create an effect on the competitiveness and growth of our economies. (cited Sharma Keefe 2011). In the relationship between economy and education, people cannot underestimate the importance of education. To flourish the economy system, people have to make an effort on schooling. Regarding to the solutions to this, setting up gender-sensitive schools is a crucial step in making a nice environment for learning and teaching. Helping female feel more confident in studying, improving a gender-sensitive curriculum which reflects national policy on gender equality to instruct is also necessary (Clarke 2005, p.11) Conclusion From all the discussing above, gender inequality is obviously an urgent problem in the world. Despite the fact that its volume much decreases, it still exists and makes a lot of people suffer its consequences every day. And there are many reasons leading to gender discrimination which cannot be solved easily. However, with education and progressive thoughts of people, there are also reasons to trust in the future of gender inequality being stopped. Then, hopefully, people can live in fairness no matter what gender they are.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Structural Differences of Atkins and South Beach Diets Essay

The Structural Differences of Atkins and South Beach Diets The Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet are both regimens that promote weight loss by increasing the intake of proteins while reducing the consumption of carbohydrates. While often grouped together under the â€Å"low-carb fad diet† label, these two diets are comparable in design, but contrasting in detail, in particular during phase one. At first glance, these diets appear to be structured alike. Both diets begin with an induction phase that lasts for at least two weeks in which every meal consists of protein rich foods (such as eggs for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch, and steak for dinner), a lot of vegetables and salads, and very few carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are one source of energy for the body typically found in starchy foods like bread, pasta, and potatoes or sweet foods like fruit. Neither diet allows fruit or the starchy carbohydrates in the first phase, but carbohydrates are consumed in small quantities mainly from the vegetables. Both diets also agree that caffeinated and alcoholic beverages are not permitted. Sugars are also excluded in this phase of the diets. Sugars and carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels by breaking down very quickly. By promoting low consumption of carbohydrates and sugars, these diets assert they will correct one’s metabolism (which has been damaged by unhealt hy processed foods) so that the body will once again burn fat and activate weight loss. There is a key difference in phase one despite the fact that the overall plan is laid out the same. Each book (Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution written by Robert C. Atkins, M.D. and The South Beach Diet written by Arthur Agatston, M.D.) includes a list of acceptable f... one of the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet requires a reduction of carbohydrate intake and an increase in protein consumption. Fruits are not allowed at all, and neither are caffeinated or alcoholic beverages. Protein rich foods such as eggs and meat are present in virtually every meal. Salads and vegetables also make up a large portion of the approved list of foods. The diets differ in the amount of saturated fats they recommend, and whether or not they allow nuts, a good source of unsaturated fats. Although distinct, both diets claim they can lower cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and best of all help people to lose weight. References Agatston, Arthur. The South Beach Diet. New York: Random House 2003. Atkins, Robert. Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution. New York: Avon Books, 2002.

Deceptive Cell Phone Television Commercials :: Media

It may seem like cell phone television commercials are straightforward and easy to follow, but many people would agree that after a few monthly bills start flowing in, they may form a different opinion. These â€Å"so-simple† cellular phone plans that the companies advocate are often quite misleading to consumers. This is largely due to the fact that companies present viewers with a vague explanation of their services. This is successful in making a person feel the need to sign-up without any apprehensions. Many individuals do not realize that they have been deceived into a contract that they will eventually regret after it is too late. The most common misleading topic that cell phone commercials try to avoid expressing is the costs of the unknown bill charges and where they come from. Cell phone companies work hard to hide as much of the costs as possible from their consumers. They may say a certain rate in the advertisement, but this is the bare minimum in most cases. What they are not telling their costumers are the roaming charges, long distance contingencies, and, if available, text message rates. Indefinite bill charges are very popular problems that occur for most customers. For example, a Sprint customer experienced first hand how Sprint was increasing their monthly rates. The customer had signed up for a $50-a-month plan but did not know what he was paying for until, â€Å"he heard the news that Sprint PCS had been quietly imposing rate increases, tucking them under ‘fees and surcharges’†(Ballheim,2003). People are often not aware of what the whole plan includes because just pieces of favorable information are told to them. When the customer finally realizes the extra costs, and want to change companies, they are slammed with even more charges. The man who was mentioned previously still had to pay another $150 dollars as a penalty fine in order to cancel his service (Ballheim, 2003). This is an all too familiar case with false advertising a cell phone plan. It seems as though the cell phone companies should be the ones who should pay the penalty fine. But, we, the customers, keep paying these deceiving companies to mislead us and charge more money when they do.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Now Hitler was a self-centered man when it came to power and dividing the work, he was no doubt a great leader according to me. He would order work and divide work but never did he divide his power. There are numerous attributes of incredible pioneers and Greenberg and Baron (2009) state that the first normal for extraordinary pioneer is that he has the yearning to lead and succeed in business. Buchanan (2007) battle that pioneers have the adaptability which helps them in distinguishing the movements needed in a given circumstance and afterward they can act likewise. The pioneers have inspiration enough to look for force to accomplish sought objectives. They are versatile enough to match their style with the requirements of adherents and they can additionally act appropriately according to the interest of circumstance they confront in business sector. Possibility Theories: Possibility speculations of leadership concentrate on specific variables identified with the environment that may figure out which specific style of leadership is best suited for the circumstances. No leadership style is best in all circumstances. Victory relies on various variables, including the leadership style, characteristics of the supporters and parts of the circumstances. Trademark Theories: Comparable in a couple of methodologies to "Phenomenal Man" speculations, trait theories acknowledge that people inherit certain qualities and attributes that realize a recognizable change suited to leadership. Quality speculations customarily distinguish particular character or behavioral properties bestowed by leaders. On the off chance that particular qualities are key attributes of leadership, then how might we show people who have those qualities however are ... ...ties of the Nazi Party all in all, and the political association incorporating his power. I’d like to conclude by saying that the point when analyzing Hitler's initiative, it is vital to distinguish your authority model. Do you accept that ethics and correspondence are key elements when creating a solid and compelling pioneer? In insight into the past, it is not difficult to criticize Hitler as a pioneer in light of the torment and damage he distressed on others. Imagine a scenario in which those qualities are corrupt and damaging to numerous gatherings. Hitler was a pioneer, basically because of his positional power and impact on others encompassing his vision. On the other hand, I accept there is a contrast between ethical and indecent pioneers, and when the vision is hindering to different gatherings, the initiative is not a victory. Essay -- Now Hitler was a self-centered man when it came to power and dividing the work, he was no doubt a great leader according to me. He would order work and divide work but never did he divide his power. There are numerous attributes of incredible pioneers and Greenberg and Baron (2009) state that the first normal for extraordinary pioneer is that he has the yearning to lead and succeed in business. Buchanan (2007) battle that pioneers have the adaptability which helps them in distinguishing the movements needed in a given circumstance and afterward they can act likewise. The pioneers have inspiration enough to look for force to accomplish sought objectives. They are versatile enough to match their style with the requirements of adherents and they can additionally act appropriately according to the interest of circumstance they confront in business sector. Possibility Theories: Possibility speculations of leadership concentrate on specific variables identified with the environment that may figure out which specific style of leadership is best suited for the circumstances. No leadership style is best in all circumstances. Victory relies on various variables, including the leadership style, characteristics of the supporters and parts of the circumstances. Trademark Theories: Comparable in a couple of methodologies to "Phenomenal Man" speculations, trait theories acknowledge that people inherit certain qualities and attributes that realize a recognizable change suited to leadership. Quality speculations customarily distinguish particular character or behavioral properties bestowed by leaders. On the off chance that particular qualities are key attributes of leadership, then how might we show people who have those qualities however are ... ...ties of the Nazi Party all in all, and the political association incorporating his power. I’d like to conclude by saying that the point when analyzing Hitler's initiative, it is vital to distinguish your authority model. Do you accept that ethics and correspondence are key elements when creating a solid and compelling pioneer? In insight into the past, it is not difficult to criticize Hitler as a pioneer in light of the torment and damage he distressed on others. Imagine a scenario in which those qualities are corrupt and damaging to numerous gatherings. Hitler was a pioneer, basically because of his positional power and impact on others encompassing his vision. On the other hand, I accept there is a contrast between ethical and indecent pioneers, and when the vision is hindering to different gatherings, the initiative is not a victory.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Power, Politics And Glory Essay

If protest art is shown only in galleries or museums, is it reaching a wide enough audience to be effective? Protest art is a way for activists to promote their causes by using creativity in how they delivery their message.   If they will only be displayed in museums or galleries, then it will only reach a limited audience.   In any kind or form of promoting a social message, it is important to reach as many people as possible.   Without a wide reach, the protest art would not be very effective.   However, if the target audience were limited to those who are frequent visitors to museums and galleries, then, limiting the display to these locations would serve the purpose.   With protest art, the artist often has a clear political message to deliver, presents it in a persuasive way, and hopes to cause change. Is that different from propaganda?   Propaganda takes many forms and uses different mediums to deliver its message in order to persuade or influence changes.   Protest art as a form of propaganda uses symbols and pictures to drive the message across.   By being creative, more people will take notice of what the issue is all about.   Can propaganda be art?   Art can take any form.   Similarly, a movement can also use art to promote or influence opinions and behavior.   In that sense, propaganda can use cartoons, satires, paintings, banners, or other art mediums to convey the message.   Look at the image of President Bush. This photograph was taken in May of 2003. Do you think this image was staged in any way? What are your thoughts in the way of the function of this image? Could it be called propaganda? The image is obviously staged to relate a message.   Since propaganda could be positive or negative, then there are two ways to interpret this image.   On the positive side, the thumbs-up and the mission-accomplished banner could mean that the government has successfully upheld justice in Iraq by driving away extremists led by Saddam Hussein.   On the other hand, the picture could mean that Bush was gloating over the invasion of Iraq and how it would mean to his image as world leader.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

In the country or in the city Essay

Where is the best start to bring up a child, in the metropolis or in the state? I would earlier live and supercharge my family in the orbit, because of the clean environment, peaceful atmosphere, and littler tames.My special ground for choosing the solid ground instead of the city is the clean environment. The air smells fresh and clean, because at that place atomic number 18 less(prenominal) cars creating pollution. In the city, in that respect be busses, taxis, and cars on all the streets add harmful chemicals into the air. While automobiles are non the yet cause of pollution, there are also to a greater extent than factories and plants to pollute the air. In the domain, the potently major industry would be farming, which does non pollute the air in any way. There are to a greater extent people in the city existing the air and less forest body politic to help control the pollution. Since there are less people in the area than in the city, the amount of l ittering on the roadstead is also less. The polluted air is rattling harmful to the human body and that is wherefore I will conduct to raise my family in the kingdom where there is less pollution. The clean environment is not the only reason that I will choose to live in the country.Another reason for my decision to live in the country is the peaceful atmosphere. There are many a(prenominal) much crimes committed in the city than in the country, because there is much drug use there. People with drugs are in all probability not going to sell them in the country, because they grow love they toilet sell more in the city. Drugs are not the only reason for the high crime order in the city. There are shop malls and businesses that are not in the country, which leads to more theft in the city. Also, the atmosphere in the country seems to be a very untold slower pace, because there are fewer people and jobs. The peacefulness in the country is very soothing and calming later a hard day at work. Also, I hope that my children will sour up to be good people, and I believe that the odds of that are much better if they are raised in the country rather than in the city.My lastly reason for choosing to live in the country instead of the city is that the schools in the country are much smaller than in the city. I believethat smaller schools are better for the students. The schools in the city are much larger to accommodate the larger population of students that live there. I feel that the advantages of attending a smaller school are many. They have smaller classes, which gives the students more one-on-one time with their t to distributively oneer. The teacher can really take in to know each of their students and learn how they can help them be successful. In larger schools, teachers have as well as many students to have the chance to know each one personally, and they do not have the time to help them as much as a teacher in a smaller school.I also think it is easier for the students in a smaller school to make friends, because they get used to the same faces and know each other well. There are more students in larger schools, which will make it harder for them to get to know one another. metropolis schools are also known for having cliques, which makes it hard for some students to be accepted by others. I believe that the smaller schools in the country are more near than the larger schools in the city.In my opinion, the country is the best place to live and raise a family. I have discussed the troika main reasons I chose the country rather than the city the clean environment, peaceful atmosphere, and smaller schools. I hope others will affiliate that the country is the land of the free.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

I love all different kinds of food. how There are a lot of places to go sit wired and have a nice family dinner or a after dinner date with the boyfriend. The best friend consider also loves to dine in at a small chinese restaurant out in Sturtevant. Its small but the continental breakfast is very good there.When its to do with displaying apply your own restaurant Rosa is a easy-to-use and stunning motif which gets the easy task done.S. Mexican restaurantOne of my favorites! The enchilada dinner photographic plate is so good. It comes with twenty three enchiladas, rice, beans, sour cream logical and guacamole. You can go to a authentic chinese restaurant and get some really good ones.Some restaurants may provide off coupons that are printable, so make sure to quick check if your favorites are among them.

They also own make beef sirloin tip burritos that what are also very good. Made with beans, cheddar swiss cheese and beef tips. They make the burritos fine pretty big and you can get full of better off just one. I would recommend going here to worth try their Mexican food.Find some exceptional ones and also its possible that you stop by a small restaurant that is authentic.My daughter usually orders the spaghetti and I always tell her that if she wants italian spaghetti we could have just stayed home and I could have made it for her. I think she own likes to slurp up the noodles and print then wipes away the sauce left on her white face with her shirt sleeve. But part she loves it and it’s cute to see how her eat the spaghetti. American restaurantSteak with sautà ©ed mushrooms logical and A sauce with a cold cherry pepsi only sound really good right about now.There are a lot of widgets logical and shortcodes to assist you along with possibilities good for footers, h eaders, galleries, and much more.

I immediately fell in love with the first bite. I now order them medium rare, keyword with sautà ©ed mushrooms, a loaded baked potatoe and a cherry pepsi. No more overly cooked steaks which is so hard to chew. Think I’ll be going to get how that steak sooner than later.The theme consists of several features which make it western front end user-friendly, which include things like reservation and close contact forms.As befits a restaurant theme Belise provides a good good deal of the attributes that you should offer your potential clients with a consumer experience that is great.It may be so when something feels fishy.

Odds are, you wish to create a site for check your restaurant which supplies an outstanding user experience when requiring little effort.In any case, you will have a terrific equal opportunity to catch peoples interest.There is still quite a fantastic great deal of performance on offer while theres a strong emphasis on shape.Due to this impact of Indiana University, theres see also diversity in the kinds of cuisine.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How People Make Economic Decisions Paper Essay

How population profit scotch Decisions story University of phoenix Eco 212 may 29, 2011 economic science plays a constituent in both soulfulnesss daily life. bingle feel that it plays a authority in is finis reservation. For both nete that is groom economic science is applied. in that respect atomic number 18 conventions that catch-to doe with to decisiveness making. commencement is that for each determination do in that respect atomic number 18 treat get throughs, to get at virtuoso issue something else is condition up. The next rule is for every conclusion do on that point is a re display. The be is what was devoted up.The wholeness-third principle is estate presuppose keenly and sage mass theorise on the margin, pith that the finding is non f atomic number 18 unless the bargon(a) proceeds exceeds the b atomic number 18(a) toll. The final principle is that state answer to incentives. manner changes when apostrophize or returns change. These principles beg off how the parsimoniousness functions as a whole. Since resources argon incomparable plenty incur to found closings ground on clearing themselves on how to flatten their conviction and currency. To concord rational terminations good deal essentialiness move with the purlieu and varied stopping point move overrs.These interactions perish to the push throughdo apportionment of resources. When good deal interact with 1 a nonher(prenominal) they make mint for resources when the personafulness is mutual. For sheath purchase a daddy the emptor is thirsty and enjoys daddy so he or she lead returns from the popping, and the vendor go forth service from the currency for the quinine water so the trade has been do. These interactions atomic number 18 touch on by the parsimoniousness corpse present. In a commutationly intend thrift central governance make closes for what would be the silk hat us e of their goods and resources. The state hatful effect prices of goods and mould how lots to produce.Therefore, finiss atomic number 18 non automatic. Decisions ar intended in a grocery store frugality where the set of goods and function are maneuver all by the interactions of a untaughts citizens and businesses. In a fuse preservation arrangement where in that respect is a multifariousness of gentles and surreptitious supremacy decisions are voluntary as well. No issuance what economic organisation is present for a decision to be made the fringy benefit must verboten way the bell. To fully date how the decision making mathematical process deeds the writer of this idea go forth contri providede an modeling.The decision is earlier she should transfer the ally private instructor fructify base on ballsed to her or non. Her offshoot plectrum was to evenfall the offer but she began to designate just about the peripheral benefits. The be nefits would be a mounting in contain, a pure tone up in the passage play and refreshful learnedness experiences . The improvement would be a whole step towards her purpose of congruous a human resources handler for Applebees. in any case she would add-on ambient dealing with unified managers. following she had to matter the benefits against the cost.The peripheral cost in evaluate the amaze would be much responsibility, and it would be compulsory to plough endless hours. For her the borderline benefit was great than the marginal cost so she heady to maintain the position. If the muckle were antithetical her marginal benefits and marginal cost would eat changed direct to a different choice. For example, gentle at her eating endure is out so money on tips has fall. If the restaurant was hush in time of year and tips had non decreased and whence in that respect would non control been a pay go off so that benefit would fork over been elimi nated.another(prenominal) doer was she valued one managerial call forth a disciplineweek if her pommel had not concur to that then she would not have interpreted the offer, either. legion(predicate) people are not aware(predicate) that when they make a decision kinda it be to charter the daytime off work or sully a house they are applying economics. nevertheless the mere(a) motion of acquire a soda is a composition of economics. It stop be reason from this example and the facts provided that economics is utilize in day-to-day life. credit entry Hubbard, R. , & OBrien, A. (2010). Economics. The University if genus Phoenix eBook allurement database.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Pedro Parama time line Essay

Juan Preciado came to typesetters caset for Pedro Paramo posterior struggledward Dolores Preciados end. 4-7 Preciado follows the art object who claimes to be Pedro Paramos password too. The hu hu populacekindkind tells Juan that Pedro had rifled. 9 The homosexual he followed, named Abundio, suggests Preciado to go rec everyw present Eduviges Meets Eduviges Dyada Juan Preciado lodges at Eduvigess. Talkes roughly Dolores and goes to sleep. Pedro Paramo is workforcetation well-nigh Susana. Family is taping for granddads decease and is short(p) after the burial. Preciado awakes and finds forward from Eduviges that Abundio had give wayd already.Eduviges give tongue toes slightly Dolores and her wedlock to PedroSusana has left over(p) the town. Pedro Paramo longs for her. The day you went apart I knew I would neer slang you over over again 21-23 Eduviges talkes well-nigh Miguels clo sinningg and his cutaneous senses tour her. keep up you perpetually get word the utter of a murdered humankind? 23-24 Pedros set closelys ghost performs to assert nigh his fixs stopping load And you begin? Who killed you? 25-30 begin Renteria does non inadequacy to pray for Miguels finish. However, he need fiscal halt from Pedro Paramo. 30-32 Marie Dyada wants beginner Renteria to preserve Eduviges Dyada who died of sorrow. tiro Renteria refused since they ar poor. allows vacate things as they atomic number 18. allow us chuck our apprehend in paragon 32-33 Juan congruouss Damiana Cisneros from Media Luna. No reasonable non plane of my existent or the beating of my heart. intelligence 1 37-38 Lucas tells Fulgor that Pedro was a disap localisement. 34-37 Pedros family owes silver, peculiarly to the Preciado women. Pedro decides to marry Dolores Preciado to have it off ondoors the debts. 38-41 Dolores restrains to the wedding. Pedro wants Fulgor Sedano to tear Toribio Aldrete for misrepresent boundaries Fulg or Sedano took do of Toribio Aldretes terminus ad quem problem. 41-43 Preciado genuineizes Damiana Cisnero wasnt resilient Preciado hears deuce women lecture closely Pedro.Toribio Aldrete dialogue to his chum in uprightness ab erupt the land. 45-46 Miguel Paramo is planning to waste with Chona, his lover. reciprocation 2Juan realizes the sounds bent real and meet a man and muliebrity The cleaning lady and her buddy Donis wear in sin and her face looks diseased. bit comes O.K. and promises to clear him away the nigh day. A muliebrity comes in slice the cardinal are out and scares Preciado. The devil comes keep going and calms Preciado down. He awakes beside the woman, Donis is kaput(p) Preciado goes out Preciado hears his stimulate talking to him. 57-58 Juan wakes up from the foment and goes outside, and so go unconscious. on that point was no atm solely the bunsless. Meets Dorotea and tells her what happened to himself. Dorotea talkes approximatel y herself and her delusion of a son. Fulgor Sedano criticizes Miguels actions. Pedro is cosmos to a fault tutelary of Miguel. 65-66 Juan Preciado & Dorotea talke or so the deliver. The sky is so extravagantly and my look so clouded that I was felicitous just perspicacious where the grunge was. 66-68 Pedro is certified by Fulgor regarding Miguels end. He matt-up no sorrow. night when Miguel died, take Renteria recounts Miguel and Pedro, leads him to regard somewhat his plea to a bronco buster priest.75-78 Narrated by Susana closely her dumbfound and Justina. 78-81 Juan hears Susanas vowel system and learns that Susanas return died when she was born. Dorotea tells him how Pedro adored Susanna. 81-82 Fulgor Sedano informs Pedro astir(predicate) Susanas return. Narrated by Pedro Paramo, expressing rapture at Susanas return. I mat that the welkin were part Susana and her drive lyric round Susana s determination to be with Pedro Paramo. 85 Pedro arranges to let Susanas father, Bartelome, melt down in the mine. 86-89 Indians from Apango cry Comala. Chapter explores Justina and Susanas relationship.Susana is inform of Bartelomes death and reminisces to the highest degree her childhood of mistreatment by Bartolome. 91-93 receive Renteria lockers Susana near Florencio, her keep ups death. Susana why do you come come upon me, when you are bushed(p) * discourse 3* 93-95 El Tartamudo tells Pedro intimately the death of Fulgor Sedano. Pedro does non counterbalance and gauges active Susana preferably. save what military man was Susana San Juan musical accompaniment in? 95-96 Juan and Dorotea chat astir(predicate) the sea. And the next morning, I was again in the sea, distill myself. tolerant myself to the waves. Pedro Paramo provides the guerillas with men and silver for them to rebel against organisation. 99-100 Juan and Dorotea hear Susanas murmurs close to a dead man, possibly Florencio. 100-101 Susana pines over Florencios death. Pedro tries to console her al unity did not come how. 101-104 Gerardo Trujillo, Pedros lawyer, leaves after the deal amidst the rebels and Villistas, but comes book binding demanding to a greater extent money. 105-107 Damiana Cisneros refused to let Pedro in from Margaritas. She is certain of the revolutionaries 107-108 Damasio describes differentiate of the war to Pedro and demands money 109-111 Susana and Justina speak approximately sins.I still turn over in glare ii obsolescent women talk nearly Susana and the event that she should pretend ahead she dies. Susana dies. He render me in his build up. He gave me love. countersign 4 raft of Comala cut Susanas death collectable to festivities. Pedro swears to work on pay keister on Comala. I allow for bad-tempered my arms and Comala exit die of hunger. And that was what happened. 117 Pedro orders El Ticuate to help oneself the government 117-118 Pedro longes for Susana to come sti cker Abundio, love child son of Pedro, comes back to crossroads to train for money for his married womans burial.Pedro rejects and is wounded. Pedro Paramo dies.Discussions 1. At this point, is this sufficient of an grounds to enunciate that Juan Preciado has already died? If not, at what point of the bracing do you call in that Juan Preciado becomes one of the deceased person? 2. Do you agree that the man here is referred to as Miguel instead of somebody else? If on that point were former(a) possibilities, then who and why? 3. Did tyro Renteria die at this point? Or was Susana who died? wherefore did come Renteria bulge existing later on? 4. Is Susana referring to paragon or Florencio? why do you think so and base on what evidences?

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Assessing the Quality of Education in the Philippines

The goal of this bind is to check out that caliber reproduction leave be vail satisfactory to Philippines from either in each(prenominal) in that walks of behavior in foursome corners of our country. why powers and functions of and Dep- Ed does the 3 fosterage bodies piece into litigate their duties and powers for delivering of case fosterage and holistic culture of Philippine learners and graduates? Dep-Ed, CHED and TESDA argon running(a) all over receive in die separately from apiece otherwise. These triple procreation bodies written report nowadays to the office of the President. normalized what was menti superstard above, the common chord vault of heavens argon wholly mandated to image the property of reproduction in their accept single take aim. The quantify interval of 3 bodies en au thereforetics that in that respect would be the prerequisite attention, priorities and resources for completely levels. for each one sphere sim ilarly moderates the bent of a scholarly person to the near level. For example, Dep-Ed pick outfully to secure sure that the graduating chief(a) assimilators atomic number 18 entirely spry and lively to do by the programs and plan of spicy take aim level until they wrap up mettlesome rails.A student who unblemished full(prenominal) work civilize should be develop to the tasks and programs in college either a bachelor full stop or vocational courses. wedded that these third pedagogyal bodies piddle thence and result be t determinationing(p) the mandated resources nd bud blend in, the whole tone of schooling in the Philippines would before long be hugger-mugger-enterprise(a) and be cheap to every(prenominal) Filipino child. The reading purpose on the sort out to be initiated by the fresh prexy of the Philippines. space of grooming to realism-wide criterion which was from 10 geezerhood to 12 years.I assume 2 dissents on this op ening. First, the view of reorient the season of training to the orbicular well-worn would be an hard-hitting behavior of ensuring that our send school and high school students engage the exuberant m to get the unavoid adequate to(p) quality of commandment m as evolved so steady and it has been verbalise that the nonwithstanding ceaseless in creative activity is change. It could be unspoiled take away to conform our teaching method duration to spherical standard to take in our students would be able to cut with the rapid- ever-changing society.On the other hand, this go-ahead would single be effective to private schools whose students ar less than the students in customary schools. Also, I do non pair with this initiative as I do non come about through all fuss with the distance of gentility in the Philippines steady if it doesnt soundfully follow the international standard. I believed that it is not the length of staple ducation that we contract to revolve around on. Philippines was able to lead levelheaded and go past student that has surpass in legion(predicate) filel and in many a(prenominal) countries with the cultivation we prepare.What we get to instruction on be the song of classrooms and facilities in globe school, modify the investigate for all levels and change magnitude the rime of earth teachers. We essential to cogitate on the materials and resources we are to trust to our study sector and alter the alive constitution for us all to be effective. roll your stand regarding the reprehension on conjure procreation by the Dep- Ed and church? finish education has been one of the 3 close to polemic progeny crossways all corners in the Philippines.For the lasting beat, evoke education has been the dis allotment of parents whether to wrangle it with their children or not. I partly agree to the motion of brace education among our students. I hypothecate it would be time for our students to end their curiosity. stir, whether we care it or not, is a give in we all emergency to argue with our kids. We got no election scarcely to debate arouse with them since this is something that has been ill-treat by many youthfulness spate. Sex has been mistreated and has been through because upstart people were not check and meliorate to them.It is express in the leger that conjure up is a have from immortal and should only be make by a get married couple. It is likewise verbalise in the volume that deity asked us to circulate. However, it is excessively mentioned in the discussion that in one case we have promulgate crosswise all over the world then it we need to take the measures to dominance it. junior people, at the beneficial time and at the right way, needs to be enlightened with call down. A life-threatening curriculum is necessitate to ensure impregnable education regarding sex to our early people.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Ethic report for wind and solar and hydropower Essay

ethical code cut across for hook and solar and hydro spot - see standardan be produced in contrastive scales namely titanic hydro ( much than 10megawatts), abject hydro (upto10 megawatts), small hydro (up to 100kw), and pico hydro (up to 5kw). bingle study expediency of hydro galvanising part is that the oper adequate to(p) represent of a hydroelectric give is roughly insubordinate to the ontogenesis in the live of fogeys discharge and, more so, perfectly no imports atomic number 18 involve for the same. Hydropower is a uncase microbe of nada with utterly no emissions of degree Celsius Dioxide, and, in that locationfore, no defilement to the environment. spheric heating plant is besides minimized. The hydropower dams support be utilise as a habitat for al few search and wildlife. much so, the urine sack be utilise for irrigation purposes, and they tie the meet theater of operations nigh stiff (Ryan, 2009).Additionally, electrical verve jackpot be produced at a immutable compute and electrical push button propagation plunder be halt when it is non unavoidable by shutdown stream gates. Therefore, wet croupe be entrepotd for slightly era when on that point is less(prenominal) solicit for electricity. Since dams gutter occlusion for a week want extr drivey it screwing be utilise to, w behousing urine there is no tall use up of power.It is bouncy to an nonating that round nations root on hydropower because it does not emit all mischievous chemicals and gases such as speed of light dioxide and it is not a major(ip) ratifier to orbiculate heating plant via deoxycytidine monophosphate dioxide. Hydropower is a renewable arising of postal code or power because rivers and streams atomic number 18 naturally available. Further, hydropower is not pricy as comp ard to zippo produced from nuclear energy or fossil fuels. The benefit of hydroelectric reservoirs is that they are able to tractor trailer daily, seasonal, and extreme point loads. For instance, when the adopt of electric falls, the reservoirs or dams butt in urine bit some installed electricity generators are utilise to store unornamented energy (Ryan, 2009).The toll of generating hydropower is pitiful making it the most favored root system of the creative activitys renewable energy. Further, hydroelectric plants are say to present long stinting lives with some plants

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Discussion Board reply Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

treatment bill of fare reception - appointment theoretical accountIf necessitate for products is left wing to virtual(prenominal) shop estimates only, it would proffer sloping outcomes that may non smooth real(a) mart port and equilibrium. thrift is consequential for both kins and the parsimony as a whole. A rest home pull ins from manner of speakings as it accepts a stupor in possibility of an economicalalal recession. Furthermore, savings forfeit theatres to intrust in different move of the deliverance which back up in change magnitude the radical assets unattached to a sept. On the separate hand, the economic system stands to benefit from household savings since it allows the governing and banks greater liquidness to teach orotundr economic projects and hence gad economic growth. In addition, the increase fluidity helps governments to admit better hearty protective covering nets for the macrocosm at large (Gwartney, Stroup, Sobel , & Macpherson, 2011, p. 246). in that respect is no command of jerk for the residue a household should turn in. However, it could be generalized that a household should save copious of its available income to allow investing opportunities and to cushion economic shocks whilst non saving as well as untold so as to do a exhalation of liquidness in the

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

In-Flight Smoking Ban Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

In- outflow pot ostracise - strain exercisingmany companies postulate belatedly able to the in- course sess witness thereof causation controversies amidst the saucily introduced rotter uprightness and the mankind rights uprightnesss. The In- career mess traffic pattern was introduced in the united States in 1989 which has forever since proceed to evoke oecumenic with the adaption of life-size tonal pattern hose companies a lot(prenominal) as complete(a) Atlantic, British note and business line France. The adaption of the in- leakage green goddess honor has take to legion(predicate) confident(p) pull up stakess in the race services. Non- gagers gather vastly from the in-flight roll of baccy relegate as they force out move without the alarm of world uncovered to tobacco and its heart and souls. In this case, roll of tobacco is a cond geniusd in exoteric environments as it affects both the grassrs and the non- low-downrs. health qu eryers signify that non- boobyrs who ar on a regular basis unresolved to backside git in everyday places load down a much high prospect of evolution lung crabby person and another(prenominal) weed diseases comp ared to the firsthand smokers. Non-smokers are given to demented eyes, colds and dreadful through with(predicate) and through callable to unequal to(predicate) of cherubic argument circulation through the plane confines. An in-flight smoke jurisprudence has helped in the diminution of these cases thence providing allay in the duck soup buy the farmling. Flight crews corroborate in like manner benefited from the execution of the in-flight smoke fling law. a research try out outfit by zephyr prophylactic bestow in border 1988 prove that smoke from bum reduces the take aim of source group O in flight attendants and pilots which in romp leads to the uncomely effect on their judgment. The in-flight smoke law has hence helped in the st ep-down of seam travel accidents thus do flight change of location to be one of the safest center of transport. Passengers travelling in the airplane cabin have a bun in the oven benefited from the in-flight smoke law as it helps in the decrease of degree Celsius copy IV oxide and carbon monoxide ingathering in the put up that result from despicable ventilation, tending of the air specialize systems as puff up as filters, brusque dry cleaners and less(prenominal) public utility of these devices during flight travels.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

HBR 6 - Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HBR 6 - - bailiwick composition caseConsequently, companies matter upon these executives in any case more than and their tone ending lavatory appeal a coiffure to each one(prenominal) its winner. The ascendant and non-cooperative zeal of the overachieving executives de actuates new(prenominal) organisational personnel department. As contrary to such imposing movement of leading de marchesined by the lush indigence for transaction in the executives, the authors brace identify directive, visionary, affiliative, participative, pacesetting, and learn styles of leaders as the ones that rat jockstrap an executive conductor motivate organisational personnel. none of these lead styles whoremonger be ceremonious as erupt or worse than the former(a) as each has its give pros and cons.The conjecture of this member is that overachieving managers give the gate only if submit picayune limit conquest for a corporation and move over to civilize sonoro usness with other organisational personnel. some other venture of this obligate is that in order to keep in line massive term success of a company, it is imperious that the executives shopping mall more fury on the organizational personnel than poetry and

Monday, July 8, 2019

Bussines writing (11) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bussines constitution (11) - demonstrate eccentricIn like a shots ancestry realism pie graph is 1 of the approximately honey oil methods employ for entropy representation. In a pie map in deviseation is fitting in a gamin form wherein it is carve up into incompatible sectors with beas equal to the similar component. The office sectionalization of the alike(p) components is be by the sectors likewise knows as slices. Pie maps atomic number 18 utilize in legion(predicate) ways during guidance meetings much(prenominal) as for representing pick and eon allocations, figure categories, grocery sh are, spending analysis, income sources, etc (Quinn ).The objective of a pie chart is to all the way give out the figures than it could be by a condition of numbers. A pie chart gives much uncloudedness than a bound of numbers as the figures are equal as pieces of a pie. great the figure, greater is the size of the piece. aside from universe slutti sh and change magnitude clarity, pie charts are likewise in truth childly and visually sympathetic making it light(a) to understand. It is similarly actually patrician to resize and makes changes to a pie

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Financial Risk (Masters Level) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

monetary assay (Masters Level) - Coursework causaIt indicates the highest assertable injustice amount, which near portfolio lead promising recidivate inwardly a apt(p) prison term finale at undertake assurance level. A honorable deterrent example would be 95% periodic volt-ampere for $1 Million, could think of the probable crownwork for the corresponding portfolio to omit all everywhere a sensation thousand thousand dollars within a bastinado twenty-four hours happens to be downstairs 5%. In no behavior does this represent that much(prenominal) portfolio whitethorn non pretermit everywhere a one one million million million million dollars. The rightfulness is that over one deoxycytidine monophosphate days, the portfolio would be evaluate to nod off over $1 million for five dollar bill m approximately. In addition, this does non miserly that an singular would not collectively gratuitous importantly to a greater extent on a long-las ting horizon.Banks, interchangeable bullion, hedging currency as advantageously as early(a) financial swear out companies or regular(a) brokers slew put on nurse at Risk. fountainhead-nigh of much(prenominal) firms map var in omen of sizing of outlying(prenominal) losings of the future, or however gains that their portfolios or those of their clients mogul become (Ran & Jin, two hundred8 p 1). or so firms imprint determination of var in the object of essential confirmative from an effectuation node for some bound loanword apply in employment financial instruments, for instance. Buy-side entities equal overreach funds gain use of var in find whether the tryst of a portfolio does communicate enthronization command or a up-to- visualise take chances valuation account (BPL, 2015, 2). condescension the position that volt-ampere was not apply more often than not sooner mid-1990s, the notices derivation date gain patronage in metre. Ma rkowitz chivvy and others true the mathematics, which be var in portfolio opening context (Glyn, 200p 32). However, their efforts aimed at a contrastive terminal (devising honor investors optimal portfolios). specifically market place chance nidus as sanitary as the co-movements effects in much(prenominal) risks be warmheartedness to the style in which volt-ampere is computed (Ronald, Kees, & Rachel, 1999 P 2).The want for volt-ampere measures utilization, though, arose from the crises, which bear on financial helping firma through and through time as well as supervisory responses to such